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The Acutonics Healing System is an energy-based non-invasive treatment that is similar to acupuncture. Precision calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture and acupressure points to access the body's Meridian and Chakra energy systems. These tuning forks represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and planets. Their rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body's natural frequencies.
It brings us into alignment with the cycles of the Cosmos known since antiquity as the Music of the Spheres. The tuning fork is struck on an Acutonics® Acuvator then placed on the body or held near the ears. The sound waves of the forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along energy pathways, affecting human physiology and reaching places not easily accessed by traditional medicine. Applying the forks stimulates and balances the body's physical and subtle energy field to promote healing and inner harmony.
The Acutonics Program:
Level I - Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
Level II - Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone
Level III - Harmonic Attunement
Level IV - Advanced Harmonic Applications
Level V - Energetic Ethics
Level VI - Case Studies, Clinical Documentaries
Level VII - Harmonic Pathology
Energetics of the Points and Meridians
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Start typing pts of the human body as sound resonator, energy meridians and points as pathways for sound, concepts of the world harmonies, cellular memory, sound imprinting, and reformatting. It offers fresh new insights into pre-meridian energy networks.
Students learn how to apply Acutonics precision calibrated tuning forks, using sound intervals that are based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. A wide variety of physical, psychological, and spiritual conditions are treated through the use of the extraordinary vessels, microcosmic orbit, windows to the sky, and selected points with transformational overtones.
Participants experience the art of listening, cellular re-entraining, attuning, and their combined role in biological reharmonization. Students learn to work with the Acutonics Earth Moon Set and the Acutonics Solar 7th Set.
Acutonics® II: Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone
This class deepens participants’ knowledge of the application of intervals to unique point combinations. Students learn to balance, expand, re-entrain, and transform meridian and organ disharmonies. Participants learn to work in between the physical and nonphysical energies of the body, integrating the low, middle, and high frequency tuning forks, to access subtler vibrational states of awareness that allow deep transformation of the physical form.
This class builds on Level I teachings and expands knowledge of energy diagnostics, grids, and fields that focus on the synthesis of individual and universal attunement. Students expand their knowledge of the Acutonics® Earth Moon Set and are introduced to the Acutonics® High Frequency Set, Acutonics® Low Moon Set, and other sound healing tools including Tibetan Bowls, bells, drums, rattles, and the didgeridoo.
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: Acutonics Level I Core Curriculum ... back to class list
Acutonics® III: Harmonic Attunement
This advanced training initiates Acutonics practitioners into a deeper understanding of the Music of the Spheres and its holographic and transformational relationship with the Earth and its inhabitants.
Using planetary tools, including Acutonics® Planetary Tuning Forks, planetary gongs, sacred oils, attunements, and rituals, we explore planetary frequencies, archetypes, mythos, and their effects on physiology, psychology, and consciousness. Students experience and work with the more sophisticated layers, applications, and techniques of the Acutonics System of Sound Healing.
Practitioners build on their knowledge from Acutonics Levels I and II and are introduced to the Acutonics Planetary Tuning Forks, Chiron Tuning Forks, Planetary Gongs, and custom blended essential oils with planetary frequency.
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: Acutonics Level I & II Core Curriculum ...back to class list
Acutonics® IV: Advanced Harmonic Applications
This class focuses on the personality, drama, diagnostics, and applications that unfold with each harmonic interval in the Acutonics Healing System.
By looking in-depth at the archetype of each planetary tone and its healing effect on the body, practitioners become aware of the deep effects of these tones in a sound healing treatment. In this class, participants explore the unique harmonics, parallel fifths, and the seeds of transformation that reside in the spaces in between. In addition, the powerful archetypes and tones of Nibiru and the Acutonics Asteroid Series are introduced.
This hands-on three-day class also focuses on the clinical applications of these powerful intervals. Practitioners expand their knowledge of the Planetary Tuning Forks and learn how to work with and integrate Chiron, Nibiru, and the Acutonics Asteroid Series
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: Acutonics Levels I-III Core Curriculum ...back to class list
Acutonics® V: Energetic Ethics
This class will facilitate the expansion of skills as a professional healthcare provider, deepening the ability to establish and maintain depth of contact in the therapeutic healing relationship.
The curriculum supports students in developing, not only sound technical healing skills and well developed high sense perception, but a strong sense of personal responsibility. Students receive lectures and unique training in understanding the healing process by becoming aware of the stages of human growth and development of the Character structures as a means of defense and armoring against the personality. By using the map of Characterology, which acknowledges the soul behind the defense systems, we will track the energy of our clients as they move through process, identify the energetic blocks, and learn how to regulate our own field dynamics in therapeutic response. This act of containment ultimately re-orients one to their deepest longing or life task.
This class will also facilitate the students in establishing a code of ethics that is designed to enable healers to articulate and stand strong on their own ethical ground. We will work with the issues of transference and counter-transference, uncovering unconscious expectations and limiting beliefs, as well as working with the definitions of standards and parameters of professional conduct.
By honoring and affirming our personal ethic, we recognize it as a place of truth, a source of power and safety. It provides a clear clean space in which clients are free to experience their true selves.
Required for practitioner certification
Acutonics Levels IV Core Curriculum ...back to class list
Acutonics® VI: Case Studies, Clinical Documentaries
This class provides practitioners of Acutonics with an opportunity to synthesize the theory, method, intention, artistry, and practical skill, which come together in clinical practice.
This class is an in-depth exploration of case studies. Clinical protocols for a variety of complex conditions are explored; participants respond to instructor presented cases and share clinical stories, techniques, and diagnostic approaches from their own clinical practice.
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: Acutonics Levels I-IV Core Curriculum ...back to class list
Acutonics® VII: Harmonic Pathology
This course examines the textures of disease and the pathology of many of the most current and least understood illnesses of our time. We will explore the epistemology and etiology of a disease from an Eastern and Western biomedical model, and examine common pathologies encountered in clinical practice. Students will learn treatment protocols using the Acutonics Healing System to balance and harmonize the disease process.
Required for practitioner certification
Acutonics Levels III Core Curriculum ... back to class list
Energetics of Points and Meridians
This in-depth course explores acupuncture/acupressure points and their energetic relationship to the corresponding organ systems. The class provides an integrated format of lecture and hands-on location, deepening the understanding of the core principles of Oriental Medicine and the Acutonics Healing System.
This class is required for certification if the student is not an acupuncturist.
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: Acutonics Level I Core Curriculum ... back to class list